Sunday, October 14, 2018

A Friend in Need...

My friend entered the world over 60 years ago today.  But I didn’t meet her until around 1982.  We lived in our college married student housing.  She was in a duplex across the street from my apartment.  Our lives back then were tough.  We were both living through the challenges of being young married parents who were struggling to make ends meet and go to school.  MaryJane sat next to me in genetics and was open to friendship.  We struck it off immediately with her quirky sense of humor and my love of laughing and genetics. 

MaryJane saw me through some of the rockiest times of my life.  She saw my graduation, the birth of my second child and the break down of my marriage.  God sent her to me exactly when I needed her most.  Then, just as quickly, we graduated and went our separate ways.  We have kept track of each other over the years but it is not the same.  

Throughout my life I have had many timely friendships that in turn slip away for various reasons and I mourn them. However, I remember how God sent me MaryJane in his perfect timing and God is good. 

Proverbs 17:17 NIV
[17] A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

Happy Birthday MaryJane!

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