Sunday, December 29, 2019

Striving for More

I don’t know about you, but every new year I become even more introspective, thinking of all God wants me to be.  This, in turn, makes me see how far I am from where I desire to be.  And unfortunately, this can morph into guilt over those marks I missed last year rather than a new start. That is the enemy in my head. He will use anything to get a foothold in my thoughts.  So, no matter how badly I missed the mark last year, I must remember this one thing. God loves me exactly as I am, not how I want to be. Yes, He wants me to desire more, to strive for the best. He placed that desire in my heart. But he will never love me more if I attain it and he will never love me less if I fail.  So I will continue to strive from a standpoint of a cherished child who can never disappoint, who can never suffer rejection due to failure. 

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