Sunday, February 9, 2020

Changing Your Mind

There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for people to change their minds. As a former science teacher who has had to teach girls to overcome the lie of “I’m not good at science,” I have battled this and many other stubborn beliefs (lies) that people cling to. In my new career I battle the, I’m not good at technology, mindset. There is nothing more debilitating than the lies that we tell ourselves on a daily basis! I personally battle lies in my own head like, “I’m not a people person,” and “I am bad at dancing, running, catching, throwing and moving in general.”  We all tell ourselves lies on a minute by minute basis.  

How do we change our mindset?  How do we stop the lies? Well, I am pretty sure the answer to that is ‘slowly’.  Today, I was reading the famous story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. As I was reading, I thought, “Why didn’t God just zap the Egyptians and get it done? Why did he draw things out with plagues and failures”? Then it came to me.  He was weaning the Israelites away from dependence on the Egyptians, while he was increasing their dependence on God. It was a change of mindset that required all that time and drama! God was applying time and pressure to the right places. And as we know, there is no slower process than the process of changing stubborn human minds.  

So this led me to wonder about all the times I thought God was moving too slowly in answering my prayers. Maybe he was waiting on me to change my mindset and allowing pressure to be applied in all the right places.  Maybe God was patiently teaching me a new way of thinking before he changed my circumstances. Or maybe the change of mindset was the answer to my prayers.

Lord, please show me the lies I tell myself daily.  Please apply patient pressure to help me change my stinking thinking.  

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