Saturday, February 29, 2020

God is...

While reading some rather dry parts of the Old Testament, a reader’s guide that I am using said to look for the words and phrases that describe the character of God. Suddenly, that dry scripture came to life.  I caught glimpses of God. I saw a God of second chances, who is patient, answers our petitions, gives us victories. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and he wants our full devotion. Being in His presence changes us but he is too great for us to behold all at once. And all this was found in just two chapters of Exodus!  Suddenly my point of view changed from me, me, me, to God the Father, creator and lover of my soul.  

This also applies to my daily life. When my life is dry, mundane, or outright depressing, I need to look for the things in my world that show the character of God. They are all around me. He created it. I see Him in my dog’s brown eyes and freckled nose.  I see Him in comforting words from my husband.  I see Him in the intriguing script of a good book. I see Him in an article I read on Facebook. I see Him in the persistence of a cardinal protecting his nest relentlessly.  God’s fingerprints are everywhere. We only have to pry our eyes off of the hurt of this world and look around expectantly.

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