Saturday, June 15, 2019

Great Men and Kidney Stones

My husband and I were in the emergency room the other day and heard a patient in the hall going ballistic on the doctors and nurses.  My husband, who was laying there in pain with a large kidney stone, said “If I was the doctor, I would order that guy an enema.”  I had to bust out laughing right there in the ER. That is my husband and a great guy.  He knows right from wrong even when he is out of his mind with pain.  He never waivers.  He is a rock.  

God has blessed my life with great men.  My husband, my dad, and my father-in-law are the great men in my life. I know that most people feel lucky to have just one. I am truly blessed!

I lost my dad in March of 2013. One of his favorite scriptures was 3 John 1:4 (NIV) I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. Dad was sweet, kind and tender hearted. His eyes had a deep softness that I still miss. He loved and watched every sport. He could not fix anything yet had a way with gardens that was magical.  He would bounce babies on his knee until his knee gave out. He loved animals and had a God-given way with them.  He was a die-hard Southern Baptist minister who believed drinking was a sin and knew the Bible like the back of his hand. He was a highly educated deep thinker and loved to study. He had opinions and nothing could rock them.  

My brilliant father-in-law can fix or build anything and he is the hardest working guy I know. He is a seeker of knowledge and has a strong flexible mind. He loves discussing the uncomfortable subjects like religion, politics and money. After a lively topical debate, he is able to change his point of view when he sees that it needs changing.  He loves nature, fishing and camping and lives to enjoy his time with the people he loves.  He (and my mother-in-law) has taught me a thing or two about loving people as they are and not how we want them to be.  

There could be no two dads more different than my dad and my father-in-law. When I line them up side by side it is almost comical how different they are!  These two dads are each amazing on their own, but together, they tell quite a story.  They are both great at being a father, yet are as different as red and green.  These men in my life do have one thing in common. They love and respect God and yield to His higher authority.

Thank you Lord for the blessings of great men in my life. Thank you for the legacy they are leaving with their children and grandchildren.

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