Thursday, April 9, 2020

And God Said, “Hold My Beer”

Yes, I read the Bible and never once did God say the words, “hold my beer.” In fact I worry that this title could be edging on irreverence. Please know the intent behind this title is to highlight the works of an amazing God. And it is the sentiment behind this saying that is boldly splattered throughout the Bible. 

The parting of the Red Sea recorded in Exodus 14 is the most famous and fitting ‘hold my beer’ moment that first pops into my mind. So I researched a few of the others. Resources number biblical miracles well above 150. Please take a moment to read through this very short and incomplete list.  
Jonah and the big fish (Jonah)
Manna for the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 16)
Daniel and the lions den (Daniel 6)
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s walk through a fiery furnace (Daniel 3)
The virgin birth of Jesus (Matthew 1)
Jesus turning water into wine (John 2)
Jesus calming the storm (Matthew 8)
Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14)
Jesus healing the nobleman’s son (John 4)
Jesus healing a leper (Matthew 8)
Jesus healing a paralytic (Matthew 9)
Jesus healing a woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8)
Jesus healing the blind (Matthew 20)
Jesus casting out unclean spirits (Matthew 8)
Jesus feeding the multitudes (Matthew 14 and 15)
Jesus raising the widow’s son from the dead (Luke7)
Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Luke 8)
Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11)
Jesus resurrection (Luke 24)
Was one greater than all the others?  Which is the greatest rescue of all time?  Which of these validates all the others? Which one makes the difference between a great story and a great Savior for all of us? Which one of these gives you hope today?

One of these didn’t just save an individual, a large group or a nation, but all of humanity that chooses to believe!  So yeah, on the first Easter morning, the Creator of the Universe said, “Hold my beer.” Sunday is our time to remember just how awesome and loving our God is.  May we take the time to remember Him.  
Image by TC Perch from Pixabay 
Oh Lord, May I bow in awe and wonder at what you have done for me.

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